Consumer. Prosumer. Prosumager:: How service innovations will disrupt the utility business model

Consumers. Prosumers. Prosumagers: How Customer Stratification will Disrupt the Utility Business Model examines customer stratification in the electric power sector. arguing that it is poised to become one of the fundamental drivers of the 21st century power network as distributed energy generation. storage. sharing and trading options become available at scale.

The book addresses the interface and the relationship between key players and their impacts on incumbent and disruptive service providers.

Topics covered include innovations that lead to consumer stratification. regulatory policy. the potential of service. the speed and spread of stratification. and a review of potential business models and strategies.

The work also covers the evolution and potential end-states of electricity service provision. from its basis in current pilot programs as distributed generation scales and its potential to supplant industry norms.


Explores the impacts and trajectories of increasing distributed power generation and storage adoption

Analyzes the growing number of electricity services and their impact on the existing power grid and service providers. including incumbent and disruptor utilities

Discusses future market trends and trends in costs. pricing and business models


Paperback: 550 pages

Publisher: Academic Press. 1 edition (March 7. 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0128168358

ISBN-13: 978-0128168356

Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.2 x 9 inches


Consumer. Prosumer. Prosumager: How Service Innovations will Disrupt the Utility Business Model

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