Saudi Aramco Raises All June Asia-Bound Crude OSPs by $0.40-$1.20 b from May

Saudi Aramco has raised the price differentials for all of its five crude oil grades loading in June and bound for Asia. the company said in a notice Sunday.

Aramco hiked the June price differential for its Arab Light grade by 70 cents b to a premium of $2.10 b to the average of Oman Dubai. the highest since July 2018 when it was at the same level.

The Medium and Heavy grade June price differential were both raised by 40 cents b from May to premiums of $1.45 b and 15 cents b to Oman Dubai. respectively.

The June Medium grade price differential was the highest since December 2013. when it was at a premium of $1.50 b to Oman Dubai. while the June Heavy grade price differential was the highest since January 2012. when it was at a premium of $1.35 b to Oman Dubai.

Aramco also raised the June OSP differential for its Arab Extra Light crude grade bound for Asia by $1 b from May to a premium of $2.70 b to Oman Dubai. It raised the June OSP differential for Arab Super Light by $1.20 b to a premium of $4.55 b to Oman Dubai.

The June Arab Extra Light grade price differential was the highest since July 2018. when it was at a premium of $3.30 b to Oman Dubai. while the June Arab Super Light grade price differential was the highest since December 2018. when it was at a premium of $4.75 b to Oman.


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