Iran`s Oil Minister Declares Huge Leap in Production of Petrochemicals

The second leap in the petrochemical sector is getting accomplished and the third leap has started. Zanganeh told reporters after a cabinet meeting in Tehran.

In the second leap 100mln tons of petrochemicals worth $25bln were produced. which will increase to $37bln in the third leap. he added.

Zanganeh also underlined that production of gasoline in Iran has doubled. adding that 110mln liters of gasoline is produced in the country every day.

The oil minister had also on Saturday stressed ineffectiveness of the US sanctions on Iran`s capability to export its crude. saying that pressures have backfired and accelerated development of his country`s oil industry.

We have shown in the oil exports sector that the US cannot zero our exports. Zanganeh said in Tehran.

He noted that from now on Iran will ink a new contract or inaugurate new installations in the oil. gas and petrochemical industries every other week. and said. This shows that sanctions have failed to stop development of Iran`s (oil) industry and our tempo has increased in developing oil. gas. refinery and petrochemical industries.

Zanganeh also declared a leap in the country`s petrochemical industry. saying that the capacity to produce petrochemicals will surpass 100mln tons.

In relevant remarks earlier this month. Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiyee had also downplayed the effects of US sanctions against his country. stressing that Iran had many options for exporting its crude.

Despite the espionage acts by Israel and the US. I clearly declare that we sell our oil as much as we need through planning. Rabiyee said.

He explained that Iran has 15 neighbors and is located in a region with many opportunities. and added. We will be able to sell our oil through different methods and fortunately. there is good progress in advancing oil discoveries and plans.

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