Iranian Firms. Active in Rebuilding Syria

He made the remarks late on Tue. in his meeting with his Syrian counterpart and said. the more stability and peace returns to Syria. the more presence and participation of Iranian companies in rebuilding this country will be witnessed.

Developing and promoting cooperation between Iran and Syria specially rebuilding Syria was emphasized. he said. adding. “Iranian private sector can play a leading role in Syria in the field of manufacturing relevant industrial equipment and machinery. producing petrochemical products in oil. gas and petrochemical sectors.

He termed holding talks with Syrian visiting delegation ‘positive and constructive’ and expressed hope that when peace and stability is restored in Syria. giant steps will be taken for the development of this Arab country.

He further noted that some Iranian companies are active in Syria. playing important role in reconstruction of Syria.

Elsewhere in his remarks. Zanganeh pointed to selling oil to Syria through public and private sectors and added. currently. private sector of the country does not have a role in selling oil to Syria.

For his part. Syrian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resource Ali Suleiman Ghanem pointed to the high potentials and capabilities of Iran in oil industry and added. when I visited South Pars Gas Field. I became very surprised from high capacities of Iran in development of the field.

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