Birmingham Airport Schedules a Net Zero Arrival for 2033

Birmingham Airport has committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2033.

The organisation has pledged to clean up its carbon dioxide footprint by delivering cleaner airport operations. rather than relying heavily on carbon offsets. which it suggests do little to actually tackle climate change.

It has announced leaders at the airport felt it needed to set an ambitious target ahead of the UK’s 2050 goal.

Experts at the airport believe the best opportunity to reduce the facility’s carbon footprint is through the use of on-site renewable energy generation but acknowledge they do not have all the answers yet – however. it notes through innovation and collaboratively working with industry. government. manufacturers. on-site partners and employees. it can reach its target.

Nick Barton. Birmingham Airport’s CEO. said: Over the next six to twelve months we will be working to revise our existing carbon management plan and develop a roadmap.

This will allow us to set and prioritise genuine carbon reduction objectives rather than carbon off-setting schemes. as we see this as the least favourable option.

The airport will also publish an updated Sustainability Strategy later this month. outlining its vision to improve on areas such as noise. carbon emissions. water. waste. air quality. water. biodiversity and employment.

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