Khatam al-Anbia Conglamorate undertook feasibility study of Southern Azadegan. Mansouri. Abe – Teymour. Farzad A and Farzad B oil and gas fields.
National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to cede the feasibility study to Tenko Company. a subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Conglamorate.
The MoU was signed by Deputy Petroleum Minister for Development and Engineering Affairs Gholam Reza Manouchehri and Chairman of Board of Directors of Tenko Company Hossein Sharifabadi and Managing Director of Tenko Hassan Dargahi.
The NIOC had already signed the form of a heads of agreement (HOA) document based on Iran`s new oil contract model with Persia Oil and Gas Company and signed its first MOU with domestic companies to carry out the feasibility study.
Following implementation of JCPOA and lifting the sanctions last January. the international oil executives have started negotiations with Iran to partake in the oil industry.
Manouchehri already said that 12 MoUs were signed with foreign companies and 12 more will be signed soon.