Alexa, Open Electric Vehicles

The UK Government’s Go Ultra Low Campaign has launched a new electric vehicles (EVs) voice application, which will give Amazon Alexa and Google Play owners the answers to more than 50 frequently asked questions about EVs.

From charging and range, to benefits, costs and environmental benefits, the app aims to promote and inform people about a wide range of information on EVs and will be accessed through Amazon Alexa by saying Alexa, open electric vehicles or through Google Assistant by saying OK Google, talk to electric vehicles guide.

It is estimated that 20,000 questions a month currently go unanswered or are answered incorrectly by Alexa and Google Assistant.

Rachel Maclean, Future of Transport Minister, said: Whether you’re interested in costs or the environmental benefits, this new app supported through the government’s Go Ultra low campaign, will help to drive the uptake of EVs.

This will in turn cut transport emissions and make our communities healthier, better places to live… all from the comfort of our own sofas.

Poppy Welch, Head of Go Ultra Low, said: If we want to help UK consumers make the most informed decision when it comes to switching to an electric vehicle, it’s important that Go Ultra Low understands the latest consumer behaviour and embraces new technology.

About Sheida Bahramirad

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