India Seeks Developers for Floating Solar Projects at 35 Dams and Reservoirs

UPNEDA is seeking EOI from developers to set up floating PV projects on a build-own-operate basis at 35 dams and reservoirs identified in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.
UPNEDA, in collaboration with the Irrigation and Water Resources Department, will lease dams and reservoirs to the developers to support the development of floating solar power plants in Uttar Pradesh.
Developers will handle surveying, design, supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of the plants, along with operations and maintenance.
They must connect the facilities to the nearest state transmission utility or substation and complete the projects within a designated timeline. Developers are also responsible for securing their own power procurers.
Interested developers must file EOI by Jan. 20, 2025.

About Parvin Faghfouri Azar

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