JCPOA Has Opened Many Doors for Iran

One year after the implementation of Iran nuclear deal – known as JCPOA – the document has opened many doors for the country. said Head of Iran`s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations. Kamal Kharrazi.
Iran nuclear deal has not been fully implemented but it has definitely led to many achievements. Kharrazi said.
The main problems with the JCPOA are related to the banking sector and financial transactions. the official added.
Asked whether the existing problems are due to legal defects with the deal. the official noted the JCPOA has no problems legally but as the European banks are highly influenced by the United States. they wait the US green light to resume interactions with Iran.
As for claims of the US President-elect Donald Trump`s choice for the next Secretary of State that the JCPOA should be reconsidered. Kharrazi said the JCPOA is an international agreement which cannot be revised.

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