South Pars Developed by Prudence and Devotion Not Money

A senior Iranian official has said that eight development phases of South Pars gas field became operational under President Hassan Rouhani because of his administration’s foresight and devotion.
 “South Pars was not built by money. It was foresight and devotion.” Mohammad Meshkinfam. CEO of Pars Oil and Gas Company. said.
He asked how come development of Phases 17 and 18 did not finish eight years after it had started in 2005. “Why did the Phases 17&amp.18 progress remain at 50% up to 2011?” he asked. 
Meshkinfam said Phases 12. 15&amp.16. 17&amp.18 must have been developed under the former administration. 
He also said that two new platforms would be installed in Phase 14 of South Pars and 1 bcf of gas produced at this phase would be carried onshore.
Meshkinfam said an agreement was to be signed to reduce gas flaring in South Pars. 
He said Iran and Qatar. which jointly operate South Pars. hold talks from time to time in order to coordinate maximum efficient recovery from the giant reservoir. “But they are not entitled to meddle with each other’s process of field development.” he added.  
Meshkinfam said POGC also planned to develop Farzad A. Farzad B. Golshan and Ferdowsi oil fields in the near future.

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