Iranian and European companies signed a multi-billion-euro contract to build a petrochemical plant in Assalouyeh region in Southern Iran.
The contract is valued at €3 billion and it will be spent on building two types of polymers for the first time in Iran. CEO of the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (PGPIC) Adel Nejadsalim said on Tuesday.
He reiterated that the two types of polymers will be produced in Iran according to international standards.
Currently. the implementation process of the joint petrochemical project is in feasibility studies phase and more details about the type of partnership with the European company. production capacity and etc.. will be announced following the completion of the negotiation.” Nejadsalim added.
Iran expects attracting $10 billion foreign investments in petrochemical projects.
In relevant remarks in late April. Iranian Deputy Oil Minister Amir Hossein Zamaninia underlined that a number of German companies have voiced their willingness to help Iran implement its petrochemical projects.
Germany`s Linde Group is ready to make direct investment in the Iranian petrochemical industry. Zamaninia said.
The Iranian deputy oil minister pointed to the oil ministry`s negotiations with directors of Linde Group on the sidelines of the 13th International Iran Petrochemical Forum (IPF 2017). and said. The German firm is eager to join hands with Iran in several petrochemical projects.
He reiterated that financing Iran`s petrochemical projects by Linde Group are under investigation. and said. Despite the caution being exercised by European banks for presence in Iran. Germans believe that solutions are abundant to financing of projects.
Zamaninia also said that Linde directors had also met with Iran’s Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh on the sidelines of the forum and voiced readiness to make presence in Iran`s LNG project.
Meantime. Linde representatives also expressed willingness to transfer technical knowledge to Iran. and said that final agreements with Iranian petrochemical firms will be reached soon.
In relevant remarks in late October. Iranian Petrochemical Commercial Company (IPCC) Executive Director Mehdi Sharifi Niknafs said Iranian petrochemical facilities are ready to present their products to Germany. Britain and Europe.