BP: Russia Kept Leadership in Global Oil. Gas Exports in 2016

The export of Russian oil grew by 2.1 percent. to 8.6 million barrels per day last year. according to the Statistical Review of World Energy June 2017 of BP.
In 2016. Russia maintained its top tier position in the world in terms of oil and gas exports. providing 13.2 percent of the worlds` oil exports and 18.9 percent of its natural gas exports. as shown Tuesday in the Statistical Review of World Energy June 2017. issued by the UK energy company BP.
The export of Russian oil grew by 2.1 percent. to 8.6 million barrels per day last year. the report indicated. The exportation of natural gas by Russia increased by 6.1 percent. to 204.8 billion cubic meters. according to the BP figures.
Apart from this. in 2016. Russia exported 77 percent of the globes` produced oil. 33 percent of produced natural gas. and 55 percent of produced coal. according to the document.
Oil production grew in Russia for the eighth year in a row with the new post-Soviet record of 11.2 million barrels per day established in 2016. the statistical data showed. As a whole. in 2016. oil production in Russia rose by 2.2 percent. up to 12.2 percent of world oil production. with an average level of growth over the past 10 years standing at 1.4 percent. the report demonstrated.
Similarly. Russia`s natural gas production amounted to 16.2 percent in 2016. with 0.5 percent of growth over the previous year. However. natural gas production saw an incremental 0.1-percent decrease over the last decade. the document showed.
In 2016. the global level of coal production in Russia grew by 3.1 percent to 5.2 percent. while its growth over the last 10 years comprised 3.2 percent. according to the report.
As far as hydroelectricity is concerned. the level of production in Russia rose by 9.5 percent in 2016. against an average decrease of 0.3 percent over the last decade.

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