Iran’s Electricity Export Rise by 34 Percent

Iran’s electricity exported has increased 34 percent to ‎4.277 terawatt-hours (TWh)‎ from the begining of current fiscal year to Aug. 25. ‎ according to the latest weekly statistics. published by Iran`s Energy Ministry.
The Islamic Republic also imported 1.973 TWh of electricity during the period. indicating a fall by 1 percent year on year.
Iran`s power plants have generated over 149.8 TWh of electricity since the beginning of the current Iranian fiscal year ‎‎(March 21) to Aug. 25. according to the report.
The Islamic Republic`s thermal power plants and Bushehr nuclear power plant produced 140.249 terawatt hours of electricity in total during the period. meanwhile hydroelectric power plants shared 9.626 TWh ‎ of the country`s total electricity production.
The country increased gas and gas oil delivery to its power plants by 7.4 percent and 59.6 percent to 33.522 billion cubic meters and 1.274 billion liters. while fuel oil supply to this sector decreased by 6.5 percent to 1.06 billion liters in the mentioned period.
The nominal electricity generation capacity has increased by 610 megawatts (MW) to 77.038 MW in Iran since the beginning of current Iranian fiscal year. according to the report.
Iran plans to increase its nominal electricity generation capacity to 80.000 MW by summer 2018.

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