Trump Administration Step on JCPOA Ahead of Deadline

US senators and Trump administration officials met at the White House on Thursday. hoping to hammer out compromise legislation to tighten restrictions on Iran while keeping Washington in the international nuclear deal with Tehran. known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

Senators Bob Corker. the Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. and Ben Cardin. the panel`s top Democrat. had an evening meeting with US President Donald Trump`s national security advisor. H.R. McMaster. to discuss possible legislation. Senate and White House aides said. Reuters reported.

The stakes have risen in the past week with protests in several Iranian cities over economic hardships and corruption.

Worrying European allies who co-signed the 2015 accord. Trump has railed against the deal to limit Iran`s nuclear program in exchange for loosening sanctions reached under his Democratic predecessor. Barack Obama. In October. the Republican president announced that he would not certify that staying in the pact was in the US national security interest. and threatened to pull out if lawmakers did not act to toughen it.

Members of the US Congress have been working since to come up with a bipartisan compromise that would give Trump enough political cover not to reimpose sanctions on Iranian oil before a deadline next week. an action that would kill the pact.

Aides said they were looking at measures including ending the requirement that Trump re-certify the agreement every 90 days and changing some of the so-called sunset provisions to allow the reimposition of US sanctions. with no timetable. if Iran`s nuclear program reaches certain thresholds.


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