Siemens Gamesa to supply 262MW of turbines for Egyptian wind farm

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) has bagged a contract to supply and install turbines with a total capacity of 262.5MW for an Egyptian wind farm located in Rhas Gharib on the Gulf of Suez.

In this regard. SGRE will provide 125 of its G97-2.1MW turbines to the Gulf of Suez wind farm as per the contract given by a consortium featuring Engie. Toyota Tsusho. Eurus Energy and Orascom Construction.

Under the terms of the contract. Siemens Gamesa will also be responsible for the maintenance of the Gulf of Suez wind farm for 15 years.

Installation of the 125 wind turbines is slated to be completed by July 2019. The Gulf of Suez wind farm. which is to be built with an investment of around $400m. is likely to enter into operations by the end of 2019.

Siemens Gamesa. which has installed more than 890MW to date in Egypt. says that the Gulf of Suez wind farm is its largest order ever secured in the country.

The company in a statement. said: “This new order is fully independent and comes on the heels of the agreement entered into earlier with the Egyptian authorities as part of the latter`s efforts to modernise the country`s entire energy supply system.

“It is worth highlighting that Egypt is one of the 15 countries presenting the greatest potential for growth. as it is expected to install 6.500 MW of wind power capacity by 2026.“

The energy generated from the Gulf of Suez wind farm will be sold to the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) under a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

The Gulf of Suez wind farm is the first privately-backed wind facility to be developed in Egypt. Until its inception. all the wind facilities in the country have been backed by the Egyptian renewable energy promotion body NREA.

The Gulf of Suez wind farm will be operated by Engie which will have an ownership stake of 40%. Japanese power companies Toyota Tsusho and Eurus Energy. put together will hold a stake of 40% while Egyptian construction firm Orascom Construction will own the remaining stake of 20% in the wind farm.


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