Gazprom Tries to Improve Gas Metering System

Russian gas monopoly Gazprom said on Wednesday the company is trying to improve its natural gas metering system. including at custody transfer points. and the measures taken to reduce gas losses.

The gas flow measurement in the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS) is carried out at gas metering stations in the course of gas production and transmission via gas trunklines. at gas distribution stations prior to feeding gas into gas distribution networks. and at gas flow metering points that calculate gas consumption for process needs. according to Gazprom.

The Board of Directors noted that Gazprom paid great attention to metrological support in technological processes. optimising performance at Gazprom’s facilities and monitoring energy efficiency.

Gazprom said the company makes systematic efforts to increase energy efficiency in gas transmission by improving metering systems and using advanced techniques for leak detection. Gazprom said that due to an array of measures. natural gas losses in the UGSS dropped by 2.4 times between 2009 and 2017.

Particular attention at the meeting was given to the issue of reducing gas losses in gas transmission systems when gas is supplied to consumers. The main cause of losses in this area includes unauthorised gas offtake. interference with measurement devices. and the poor condition of gas distribution pipelines.

In 2017. 97% of gas losses were registered in Russia’s North Caucasus Federal District. This was highlighted by the fact that two-thirds of gas networks in the region belonged to third-party organisations or had been abandoned.


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