Iran Petrochem Exports Revenues Rise

Iranian petrochemical production revenues amounted to $1.1 billion in the month ending April 20.

According to Mehr News Agency. the petrochemical complexes` production amounted to 4.7 million tons between March 21 and April 20.

Of the total output. 1.3 million tons worth $8.5 million were sold locally to meet domestic needs.

The nominal production capacity of 57 major petrochemical complexes. mostly concentrated in the cities of Mahshahr (Khuzestan Province) and Asalouyeh (Bushehr Province). stands at 62 million tons per year.

Reportedly. 20 complexes in Mahshahr produced 1.7 million tons of petrochemicals in the 30-day period. Close to 638.000 tons of goods worth $334 million were sold to international customers.

Nominal production capacity of petrochemical plants in Mahshahr amounts to 25.6 million tons.


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