Renewable Energy: Physics. Engineering. Environmental Impacts. Economics and Planning

This volume is a problem-solving tool for engineers. researchers. students. consultants. and planners currently working in the field. as well as a detailed map of the renewables universe for those looking to expand into new technological specialties. offering the most comprehensive coverage of the subject available.

The book has been structured around three parts in order to assist readers in focusing on the issues that impact them the most for a given project or question.

PART I covers the basic scientific principles behind all major renewable energy resources. such as solar. wind. and biomass.

PART II provides in-depth information about how these raw renewable sources can actually be converted into useful forms. transmitted into the grid. and stored for future utilization. Finally.

PART III undertakes the aspects of energy planning. environmental impacts. and socio-economic issues on regional and global levels.

In this new edition. Sørensen presents his audience with updated data about renewables market penetration. current insights on climate change. the most recent available technology for renewable energy conversion. transmission and storage. and revised planning scenarios and the future outlook.


Paperback: 1056 pages

Publisher: Academic Press. 5 edition (June 20. 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0128045671

ISBN-13: 978-0128045671

Product Dimensions: 6 x 2.2 x 9.2 inches


Renewable Energy: Physics. Engineering. Environmental Impacts. Economics and Planning

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