A study on the effect of different modeling parameters on the dynamic response of a jacket-type offshore wind turbine in the Korean Southwest Sea

In this work. a jacket structure was designed based on Korean Southwest Sea conditions to support a 5 MW OWT at a water depth of 33 m. In addition. the effects of different modeling parameters. including joint can. overlap. flooding the member. marine growth and TP mass. were investigated using an aero-servo-hydro-elastic simulation under Korean environmental conditions. This research provided applicable knowledge of the utilization of large-scale OWTs in Korea for intermediate water depths. The following conclusions were drawn. 1. Without joint can. the mass of the support structure was underestimated by 3.28%. A limited effect on natural frequencies was found. For extremes loads in the jacket. a joint can leads to increased extremes lying between 2.07% and 56.72%. The bending moment My was more sensitive to the joint can effect. 2. The mass of the support structure was overestimated by 10.73% because of overlap. Most of the loads were overestimated by between 2.33% and 25.61% for the overlap effect.

Key Words:


Wind turbine. The basis of the jacket. Dynamic response. Modeling Parameters

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