Power Electronics Converters for Wind Turbine Systems

The paper has given an overview of different power electronic converters in WTSs with special attention paid to the many possible topologies at low voltage and medium voltage. An important trend is that the technology is moving toward a higher power level. and it is inevitable that it goes for higher voltage and as a consequence into multilevel singlecell structures or to multicell modular structures that can even use standard low voltage power converter modules.

One current concern beyond being able to upscale the power is being better able to predict reliability of power electronic converters and control. as it has been a major failure cause in WTS. and better lifetime prediction and condition monitoring methods in the future will be important to improve the technology. The use of a multicell approach in the power converter design can also lead to transformerless high-power converters which are directly connected to a MV grid with reduction of power losses. weight. and volume. Research is ongoing in this direction. Further. as the wind turbines are aggregated into wind power stations—configurations most useful for single-turbine operation are perhaps not the most feasible solution for a large-scale off-shore wind farm needing a large power transmission system.

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