A New Proposal for DFIG Grid-Side Converter as Double-Tuned Hybrid Filter to Improve the Power Quality

In this paper a new topology for wind turbines based on doubly-fed induction generator was proposed. The idea behind that work is use the FACTS features of the WT-DFIG to improve the power quality into the point of common coupling (PCC). Besides the inherent advantages to the active filters. through the topology proposed in this work it is possible to decrease the dc-link voltage to the levels lower than in the conventional DFIG wind turbines. This is interesting because enables the use of dc-link capacitors and power switches cheaper since they will be subjected to a smaller voltage.

The results presented in this paper. show that it is possible to control the DFIG by stable manner without changing in the classical control to the rotor-side converter. The proposed idea enables the grid-side converter compensates distorted currents from nonlinear loads since the one operates as a double-tuned hybrid filter. The kind of hybrid filter used in that work is able to eliminate two harmonic frequencies from its branch passive. Thus. the remaining harmonics can be compensated by active filter that can be selective. as used here. or not. The feature selectivity can reduce the power of the active filter

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