Socioeconomic impact of wind energy on peripheral regions

Wind energy stands out as one of the most mature renewable energies. in terms of technological development and diffusion. The socioeconomic and environmental benefits. which arise from its emergence. have triggered an increasing interest of practitioners. Concerning the socioeconomic field. the quantification of the impact of renewable energies in the production and employment represents a main goal in order to assess the revitalizing role of wind power. especially. in contexts with a high unemployment rate and macroeconomic volatility.

Then. this paper is focused on the aforementioned analysis in peripheral regions because the potential outcome could be remarkable to diversify the economy towards new sectors and technological paths. In addition. it might be a useful tool to undertake an assessment of promotion policies and their effectiveness. This paper develops a new and more accurate methodology regarding the analysis of the GDP contribution of wind power. as well as its job creation. In this sense. the methodology avoids the use of coefficients based on the installed capacity. and it separates the dynamics of permanent and temporal activities related to wind energy. Likewise. the paper overcomes another key disadvantage of input–output model linked to the fixed technical coefficients. All of these enhancements improve the economic estimations of the importance of wind sector.

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