Azerbaijan. Iran. Georgia Plan to Link Energy Systems

Creation of the Azerbaijan-Iran-Georgia energy corridor is a priority of Azerbaijani Energy Ministry. according to a ministry statement.

Quoting the statement. Trend News Agency reported. “The current capacity of import and export of electricity between the energy systems of Azerbaijan and Georgia is 650 megawatts and between the energy systems of Azerbaijan and Iran is 400 MW. Measures are being taken to expand these capacities. Negotiations are underway to develop the Azerbaijan-Iran-Georgia energy corridor.“

The statement added. “Negotiations on the construction of the second Yashma-Derbent interstate power transmission line are currently underway with the Russian Energy Ministry.

“An agreement was reached at a tripartite meeting of the deputy ministers of energy of Azerbaijan. Russia and Iran. held in Baku in April. to hold activities related to construction of the second Yashma-Derbent interstate 330-kilovolt power transmission line between the energy systems of Azerbaijan and Russia.“

The ministry noted. “According to the agreement. discussions are held within a working group with participation of representatives of the energy ministries of the two countries.

“The second meeting of the working group is planned to be held in Moscow.“

The capacity of the Azerbaijani energy system is more than 6.000 MW.

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