Analysis and Design of Energy Geostructures: Theoretical Essentials and Practical Application

Analysis and Design of Energy Geostructures gathers for the first time theoretical. experimental and design knowledge available to date about energy geostructures: an innovative technology that couples for any type of built environment the structural support role of the geostructures with the heating-cooling role of the geothermal heat exchangers harvesting renewable energy. The analysis and design of energy geostructures requires a broad range of competences to be carried out. From one side. these competences include the fundamentals of heat and mass transfers. and the application of this knowledge to the energy analysis and design of energy geostructures.

From the other side. these competences include the essentials of the mechanics of geomaterials and structures. and the application of this knowledge to the geotechnical and structural analysis and design of energy geostructures. In the innovative framework of energy geostructures. all of the previous competences must be considered through a holistic and integrated approach to account for a number of unprecedented aspects related to the multiphysical behaviour and performance of such technology.

Prior to this work. the aforementioned competences had not been available in a unified framework for addressing energy geostructures. This book resolves this challenge by treating. without being limited to. the aforementioned knowledge and proposes a large number of practical application exercises about key aspects governing the behaviour and performance of energy geostructures that need to be addressed in analysis and design. The aim of the book is to cover the essence of the interdisciplinary and integrated competences required in the energy. geotechnical and structural analysis and design of energy geostructures that engineers. architects and urban project managers have to face when addressing such innovative technology.

Explores the fundamentals of heat and mass transfer and presents these concepts for the energy analysis and design of energy geostructures. including analytical and semi-analytical solutions as well as numerical studies on this topic

Presents the theoretical essentials and practical applications on geotechnics. geomechanics. structural mechanics. heat transfer and building physics that are needed when addressing energy geostructures

Summarizes and discusses the most recent scientific knowledge about energy geostructures. including energy piles. energy walls and energy tunnels


Paperback: 800 pages

Publisher: Academic Press. 1 edition (March 15. 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0128162236

ISBN-13: 978-0128162231

Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 9.2 inches


Analysis and Design of Energy Geostructures: Theoretical Essentials and Practical Application

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