Solar energy radiation measurement with a low–power solar energy harvester

Solar energy radiation is essential in plant physiology and pathophysiology hence its knowledge is fundamental for example. to estimate evapotranspiration (Gocić et al.. 2015. Petković et al.. 2015) and to predict infection risk of some fungus diseases (Katsantonis et al.. 2017. Dalla Marta et al.. 2008) that are needed to schedule irrigation and fungicide spraying. Solar energy radiation is usually expressed in terms of the energy flux density through a horizontal area (irradiance) and an integrated value over one day (daily solar insolation) fits these applications. For precision agriculture. high accuracy measurements are not required and manufactures recommend the use of photodiode-based pyranometers which are cheaper than thermopile-based pyranometers (Kipp&amp.Zonen. 2018). However. they still cost hundreds of euros and consume some milliwatts hence do not suit low-cost wireless sensor nodes. As an alternative. insolation values in field studies are usually obtained from public weather stations often far away from the crop of interest.

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