As the use of Commercial-Off-the-Shelf components is often a project objective including obsolescence management. there is an added requirement for DNCS to institute regular software and hardware updates. referred to as technology refresh. and is dictated by the relatively short supportability lifespan of commercial components. To allow for future technology insertions. an OA design should be adopted to ensure that system components can be cost-effectively expanded. supported. and upgraded over the in-service life. The design of AUV autonomy and FDIR software should be such as to allow for introduction of new algorithms and techniques into appropriate points in the processing chain for the purposes of evaluation and eventual technology insertion. In conversation with various Royal Canadian Navy operators and maintainers. as well as those in certain allied navies. this concept of support is becoming widely recognized and has been found to be applicable to AUVs. When AUVS use an equipment system paradigm. an open architecture design. technology refresh and technology insertion it will be easy for operators and maintainers to add on-board FDIR and fault-tolerance features in a cost-effective manner.