In this section. we show simulation results to verify the derived results on the pdf of Yk and the outage probability. In Fig. 1. for a system with M = 100 and K = 10. 30. the simulated pdf (via Monte-Carlo simulation) of the interference power for User 1 Y1 is shown and compared with the approximate pdf in (7) for L = 10. the approximation in (8). and the closed-form pdf in (9). This figure shows that (9) matches tightly with the simulation for all y range and both K values. The L = 1 approximation in (8) has significant offset to the left. thus underestimates the distribution tail. The L = 10 approximation has a better match than (8). But for K = 30. it also has noticeable offset and underestimates the tail of the distribution as we have discussed in Section III.