Interference and Outage Probability Analysis for Massive MIMO Downlink with MF Precoding

In this section. we show simulation results to verify the derived results on the pdf of Yk and the outage probability. In Fig. 1. for a system with M = 100 and K = 10. 30. the simulated pdf (via Monte-Carlo simulation) of the interference power for User 1 Y1 is shown and compared with the approximate pdf in (7) for L = 10. the approximation in (8). and the closed-form pdf in (9). This figure shows that (9) matches tightly with the simulation for all y range and both K values. The L = 1 approximation in (8) has significant offset to the left. thus underestimates the distribution tail. The L = 10 approximation has a better match than (8). But for K = 30. it also has noticeable offset and underestimates the tail of the distribution as we have discussed in Section III.

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