Towards Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Units for Smart Distribution Systems

A simplified and effective approach of PMU placement for large-scale distribution systems is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm finds an optimal solution to placement problem by decomposition of network into two sub-networks. Since the problem size is reduced due to splitting into two stages. this decomposition reduces the computational time required to obtain optimal locations of PMUs compared to the frequently used Integer Programming method considering the whole network. It can be concluded that the proposed algorithm provides an effective solution to observability of a large-scale distribution system. PMU placement problem in practical situations involve more than full observability and minimizing cost. Requirements from the specific application should be taken into account. for example influence of PMU malfunction communication failures. measurement redundancy and uncertainty. number of measurement channels. environmental conditions and existence of other associated devices. These factors may be considered for further investigation and development of placement strategies to generate more practical solutions to placement problem.

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