Iran`s Joining to Eurasian Market. `A Giant Task` in Sanctions Period

Iran’s Minister of Energy Reza Ardakanian said that Iran’s joining to Eurasian market at the current condition that the country faces tough sanctions is a giant task.

Iran’s joining to Eurasian market requires establishing joint cooperation between the Ministry of Energy and Iran Chamber of Commerce. Industries. Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA). he added.

He made the remarks on Tue. in a meeting with the private sector activists in water and power industry. held at the venue of ICCIMA. and said. “being presence in the regional markets requires having a collective. purposeful and predefined program.“

In this regard. preliminaries of joining Islamic Republic of Iran to Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) has been carried out. he said. adding. “a single-urgency bill has been submitted to the Parliament in this regard and we hope that it would be approved prior to the next year’s Budget Bill.“

He pointed to the sanctions condition overshadowed the country and said. “cooperating between public and private sectors can help boost economy of the country significantly.“

Eurasian Economic Union (EEC) initiated its work in 2015 with signing of Belarus. Kazakhstan and Russia. In the same direction. Kyrgyzstan and Armenia joined the union after a short period.

Islamic Republic of Iran signed a cooperation agreement in May 2018 to set up a free trade zone with this union.


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