IEA Launches World Energy Outlook in China

IEA Chief Modeller Laura Cozzi launched the latest World Energy Outlook in Beijing on 23 January. The China launch brought together over 120 officials and experts drawn from government. academia and the power industry to discuss the latest global energy trends. and the outlook for the electricity.

During his opening remarks. Li Ye. Executive Director General of China’s National Energy Agency noted the strong IEA-China relationship that has delivered key results across a range of important areas of reform for China including: power market reform. distributed energy. renewables and gas market design.

At the IEA Ministerial meeting in 2015. China became one of the first countries to activate Association status with the Agency. Since then the IEA and China have been working closely together to achieve energy reform in China. In 2017. the IEA and China agreed a Three Year Work programme to boost energy policy analysis. promote clean energy systems. build capacity on energy regulation. and improve exchange of data on renewable energy and other resources.  The launch in Beijing was organised by the China Electricity Power Planning and Engineering Institute. which hosts IEA’s China Liaison Office.

The IEA’s work with China includes collaboration to draw upon best international practice in carbon emissions trading. and power market reforms that enables renewable energy to make a greater contribution to electricity supply. Work is ongoing with Chinese counterparts as the new Five Year Plan. and longer-term plans. are put in place to accelerate China’s clean energy transition.  The IEA will launch its latest work on China’s Power System Reform in Beijing on 25 February.


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