Iran to Offer 18.000 Tons of Polymer. Chemical Materials in IME

According to the report by the IME’s Public Relations. 100 tons of zinc metal. 2.100 tons of bitumen. 730 tons of Polyester thread and 104 tons of Aniline will also be presented to the IME today.

Iranian Deputy Oil Minister Amir Hossein Zamaninia declared earlier this month that Tehran was fully prepared to sell oil and its products in a “grey market“. vowing to circumvent the US unilateral sanctions against the energy-rich country.

“We sell oil at a recently discovered grey market using all of our capacities.“ he said. “This is not smuggling. This is countering sanctions which we do not see as just or legitimate.`

The United States told buyers of Iranian oil to stop purchases by May 1 or face sanctions. ending six months of waivers that had allowed Iran`s biggest customers to import limited volumes.

Grey market is where the products and goods are bought and sold outside and not within in the original manufacturers authorized distribution channel.

Secretary-General of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Mohammed Barkindo said earlier this month that it was impossible to remove Iran’s oil from the international market. asserting that the organization would keep supporting Tehran against the US unilateral sanctions.

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