API President & CEO Emphasizes Alaska’s Role in U.S. Energy Revolution

API President and CEO Mike Sommers today delivered remarks to more than 500 local leaders at the Alaska Oil &amp. Gas Association (AOGA) Annual Meeting in Anchorage. Sommers highlighted the role of natural gas and oil in Alaska. including its many benefits to local communities. job creation. and providing reliable and affordable energy to consumers. While in Alaska. Sommers also toured industry operations in Prudhoe Bay on Alaska’s North Slope. as well as the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS). both critical to the safe production and transportation of the natural gas and oil needed to power U.S. consumer needs.

Alaska’s reemergence as an energy powerhouse mirrors the U.S. energy revolution in recent years. Just as America competes on the global scale. Alaska is one of America’s most valuable and strategic energy resources – which create economic growth. advance U.S. energy and national security. and create tens of thousands of jobs while ensuring environmental protections. said API President and CEO. Mike Sommers. However. we need to ensure that the right policies are crafted that allow competitive. smart. and responsible natural gas and oil development in one of our most valuable energy resource areas in the country.

The energy potential of Alaska’s coastal plain (1002 Area) is estimated to be around 10.4 Bbbl. according to the last U.S. Geological Survey. and is a key part of the long-term energy resources to help ensure America’s energy and national security. Opening up a portion of Alaska’s ANWR to safe and responsible energy production could contribute to Alaska’s continued economic growth. while creating tens of thousands of local jobs as well as bring in between $150 billion and $296 billion in new federal revenue. ANWR development is also supported by a majority of Alaskans. the Alaska State Legislature. and many of the North Slope tribal and village leadership.

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