IAEA: Iran Once Again Passes Nuclear Inspections

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) once again says Iran continues to comply with a landmark 2015 nuclear deal.

The finding by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is included in its latest quarterly report distributed to member states.

In its report on May 31. the agency said the IAEA found Iran had stayed within key limitations spelled out in the agreement. known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. or JCPOA.

The fresh IAEA quarterly report. however. found Iran continued to comply with the JCPOA and said its inspectors had been given unfettered access to Iranian nuclear facilities.

`Timely and proactive cooperation by Iran in providing such access facilitates implementation of the additional protocol and enhances confidence.` the report stated. referring to the procedure detailing safeguards and tools for verification.

According to the IAEA report. Iran`s heavy water stockpile rose from 124.8 tons in February to 125.2 tons as of May 26. That’s still below the 130-ton limit.

Its stock of low-enriched uranium was 174.1 kilograms as of May 20. up from 163.8 kilograms in February. the IAEA found. The limit set out by the JCPOA is 202.8 kilograms.

It added that Iran had not enriched any uranium above the level allowed by the JCPOA.


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