FAO. DOE Launch Joint Program to Access Green Climate Fund for Adaptation. Mitigation Actions

Organized in four sessions on 4 and 5 August 2019 in DOE premises. the Inception Workshop was attended by experts and scholars from Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)`&gt.FAO. DOE. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. the Ministry of Agriculture Jahad. the Ministry of Energy. the Ministry of Petroleum. the Ministry of Health. the Ministry of Cooperatives. Labour. and Social Welfare. the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance. the Meteorological Organization and other relevant key partners from public and private sectors. 

Participants discussed a coordination platform to engage all relevant stakeholders. The experts also defined necessary strategic investment criteria for prioritizing climate investments and a strategy to ensure that adaptation and mitigation actions will benefit all key stakeholders especially women. youth and children.  

Speaking at the event. Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)`&gt.FAO Representative to Iran. Mr. Gerold Bödeker thanked DOE. GCF and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the support extended to this Programme and congratulated all participating agencies and stakeholders on developing collective views on strategic priorities for Iran’s access to climate finance and actions to strengthen coordinated actions. He emphasized the importance of climate smart agriculture that encompasses sustainable forest and other natural resources management. saying that Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)`&gt.FAO is looking forward to further collaboration with national and international partners to mitigate climate change threats. 

Coordinated by Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)`&gt.FAO and funded by GCF. this Readiness Programme supports the establishment of National Designated Authority Office within the Department of Environment to improve Iran’s climate change investment planning. decision-making mechanisms and act as the coordination body for developing. appraising and financing programmes and projects that aim to adapt and mitigate climate change.

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