World’s Most Powerful Tidal Turbine to Be Built in Scotland

The world’s most powerful tidal turbine will be built in Scotland.

Developer Orbital Marine Power has awarded the multi-million-pound manufacturing contract for its ‘O2’ tidal stream turbine to Scotland-based firm TEXO Group. which will build the technology at its quayside facilities in Dundee.

The device follows the success of the firm’s previous SR2000 model. a 2MW turbine which generated more than 3GWh of power in its first year of testing at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney.

When it enters operation later next year. the 2MW ‘O2’ unit will be employed as part of a long term project at EMEC – it aims to significantly reduce the cost of energy from tidal sources.

Andrew Scott. CEO of Orbital Marine Power. said: “This is a flagship engineering project for the emerging tidal sector and we are delighted to be working with TEXO Group to showcase the very capable supply chain we are fortunate to have around us in Scotland and the wider UK.

The results that we achieved with the SR2000 over the past two years are a convincing validation of our low-cost approach to generating clean. predictable power from tidal stream energy.

The 1.2MW SeaGen tidal turbine energy system in Northern Ireland has successfully been decommissioned in an industry first.

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