Iran`s Forex Market Stable Despite Washington’s Maximum Pressures

Despite the continuation of US Maximum Pressure campaign. Iran’s foreign currencies market is stable and situation is under control. Hemmati wrote on his Instagram account.

He also said that the central bank has plans to continue to earmark enough foreign currency for the country’s economic growth and the people’s welfare without waiting for the European credit line. adding talks with foreign countries are continuing to attract foreign investment and enough credit within the framework of the JCPOA.

Iran’s Central Bank governor underlined that as much as $16 billion have been allocated to meet the demands for basic necessities over the past six months. adding that the trend will hopefully continue in the future.

In relevant remarks in later August. Hemmati said that Tehran’s policies had fruited result and the country was enjoying a stable economy 16 months after US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew Washington from the nuclear deal and later imposed tough sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

He said that as a result of the proper policies that the CBI adopted in monetary and foreign currency fields. the situation of the country’s economy is returning to normal despite being under the most unprecedented sanctions.

Thanks God. we are witnessing the return of stability to the country`s economy. the basis of which is the stability of the foreign currency market which has witnessed a gradual decline in the prices in the recent months. the CBI governor said.

Hemmati also said that the inflation rate was losing momentum as a result of the declining prices in the forex market.

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