UK’s Renewable Generation Rose by 9.9% in Second Quarter of 2019

The UK’s total renewable electricity generation rose by 9.9% between the second quarter of 2018 and the second quarter of this year.

This rise. from 24.6TWh to 27.1TWh over the course of a year. is highlighted in a new statistical report published by the Department for Business. Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

It shows renewable electricity capacity totalled 45.9GW at the end of the second quarter of 2019. a 7.9% increase on a year earlier. with two-thirds of the annual increase coming from wind – this saw clean energy’s share of electricity generation increase from 32% to 35.5%.

Meanwhile. coal accounted for a record-low of 0.6% of the electricity mix. with gas. a cleaner fossil fuel. accounting for 43.6%.

In the second quarter of 2019. nuclear generation accounted for 17.1% of generation – low carbon electricity’s share of power fell slightly to 52.6%. down from a previous figure of 53.6%.

The data shows total national energy production in the second quarter of 2019 was 1.9% lower than at the same time the previous year. while final energy consumption on a temperature adjusted basis fell by 3% due to cooler weather.

In terms of switching. rates rose by 12% for electricity and by 6.8% for gas compared to 2018 figures. equating to an average of 510.000 households per month switching their electricity supplier and 413.000 households per month switching their gas supplier through the quarter.

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