Iran Denounces US Political Approach to Oil

Speaking today upon arrival in Moscow for a meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF). Zangeneh said that the energy market must not be politicized in order to prevent the US unilateral and unlawful interventions.

He added that Ministerial Meeting of the GECF will create the opportunity to declare stances.

The Ministerial Meeting of the GECF was first held in Iran. he said. noting that the increase of the number of participants in the 20th meeting indicates that the initiative promoted by Iran has been successful.

Zangeneh went on to say that the first summit of Gas Exporting Countries Forum will be held in Guinea.

He said that the GECF meeting has turned out to be a context for share of experience and exchange of information.

Saying that Iran has strategic relations with Russia in all fields namely energy. Zangeneh added that he will have bilateral meetings with his Russian counterparts.

He said that the market situation is normal despite the attack on the Saudi Aramco oil installations.

On Friday. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that it`s impossible for Ankara to stop purchasing oil and natural gas from Tehran. suggesting that Turkey will disregard a raft of US sanctions now imposed on Iran’s energy sector.

Last month. Deputy Director for Development and Engineering Affairs at the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) Reza Dehqan said that his country is steadily developing its oil and gas projects. reminding that Washington’s sanctions are nothing new to Tehran.

Two days earlier. Zanganeh had underlined ineffectiveness of the US sanctions on Iran`s capability to export its crude. saying that pressures have backfired and accelerated development of his country`s oil industry.

In relevant remarks earlier in September. Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiyee had also downplayed the effects of US sanctions against his country. stressing that Iran had many options for exporting its crude.

Despite the espionage acts by Israel and the US. I clearly declare that we sell our oil as much as we need through planning. Rabiyee said.

He explained that Iran has 15 neighbors and is located in a region with many opportunities. and added. We will be able to sell our oil through different methods and fortunately. there is good progress in advancing oil discoveries and plans.

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