Iran-EAEU PTA Comes into Effect Sunday

The Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) between Islamic Republic of Iran and Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) came into effect today on Oct. 27 on 862 products.

The current trade volume exchange between Iran and EAEU stands at $2.6 billion.

This agreement includes 862 products. with 360 related to Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and 502 to Iran.

Head of Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) Hamid Zadboum made the remarks on Sun. in an interview with FNA and added. “the mentioned agreement is an outset of doing free trade and business with Eurasia. preliminaries of free trade with Eurasian zone are provided one year after the implementation of this trade agreement.“

There is about two years of chance in order to talk on free trade between Iran and Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). he added.


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