Iran Places 2000 Kilograms of UF6 in Gas Feeding Room of Fordow Site

An hour ago. a cylinder containing 2.000 kilograms of UF6 gas was placed in a gas feeding room of Fordow site to start injecting gas to centrifuges.

Under the supervision of officials from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). a 2.800-kilogram-cylinder. containing 2.000 kilograms of UF6 (hexafluorouranium). was put in the gas feeding rooms of Shahid Masoud Ali Mohammadi Enrichment Complex in Fordow site.

The job was done in accordance with Iranian President’s Tuesday announcement saying Iran would take the fourth step in reducing commitments to the JCPOA on Wednesday. which includes reducing commitments regarding the Fordow enrichment facility.

“Under the JCPOA. we were inquired to have up to 1.044 centrifuges at Fordow. which were supposed to remain without gas. Starting tomorrow. we will start injecting gas into the centrifuges at Fordow as part of the fourth JCPOA step.“ the president said on Tuesday.

“To all the remaining sides to the JCPOA and other friendly countries. I’d like to state in advance that our new measures will be taken under the supervision of the IAEA.“ Rouhani added.

“Also. all measures in the fourth step are reversible just like in the previous steps. that is. the moment the other sides to the agreement begin to live up to their commitments. we will resume our own suspended commitments as well.“ he added.

Iran has repeatedly warned the European parties. including France. that the deal can only be rescued if they help it circumvent US sanctions on its banking and oil sectors.

Iran says if it reached a proper solution for the removal of sanctions on its export of oil and metal. if it could easily use its money in trade transactions. then it would be fully ready to return to the previous conditions. regarding the level of our JCPOA commitments.

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