US Withdrawal from JCPOA. Maximum Pressure Against Iran Root of Current Crisis

In a press conference. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang said. It is China`s consistent belief that the US unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA and maximum pressure campaign against Iran is the root cause of the current crisis.

The US should quit such wrong behavior to make room for diplomatic efforts and create conditions for deescalation. he said. according to the embassy of Republic of China in the US. 

In the meantime. parties including the European side and Iran should exercise restraint. remain committed to full and effective implementation of the agreement. and resolve differences within the JCPOA. he added.

China supports the IAEA in fulfilling its duty in an objective and impartial manner and will continue to work with other parties for the political and diplomatic settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue. the spokesperson noted.

On a Monday report. the IAEA confirmed that Iran has begun enriching uranium at Fordow nuclear site. adding that Tehran’s enriched uranium stockpile has continued to grow.

The measure was part of Iran’s 4th step to reduce commitments to the JCPOA following the US’ unilateral withdrawal from the agreement. and the European sides’ failure to safeguard Iran’s economic interests in the face of US sanctions.

Tehran says the measures are all within the legal framework of the nuclear deal. stressing that the retaliatory measures will be reversed once other parties begin to live up to their own commitments.

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