Goods Imports for Development of SPGF Up by 53% in Seven Months

The Director General of Customs Office of Pars Special Economic Energy Zone (PSEEZ) Ahmad Pourheidar revealed the significant 53 percent increase in goods imports for the development of phases and petrochemical complexes in the zone in the first seven months of the current year (March 21 – Oct. 22).

He made the remarks on Sat. and said. 96.008 tons of goods. valued at $1.5 billion. was imported into the zone in the same period.

South Pars Gas Field has experienced eye-catching development and growth in the recent years in such a way that most phases in the zone were put into operation. he stated.

Presently. more than 70 percent of gas required in the country is met in this joint field. he said. adding. with the coordination made in this regard. giant steps will be taken in the zone by 2021. based on which. petrochemical production capacity in this zone will increase by 100 million tons.

In recent years. the country faced problems in the field of provision of required equipment due to sanctions overshadowing the country. he added.

According to him. import of equipment for the development of South Pars Gas Field registered a considerable 53 percent growth as compared to the last year’s corresponding period.

He went on to say that 12.7 million tons of non-oil products. valued at $4.4 billion. was exported from the zone. showing a 15 percent hike in terms of weight.

Also. 96.008 tons of goods. valued at $1.5 billion was imported in the zone for the completion of phases and other petrochemical units. registering a 53 percent hike as compared to the same period of last year.

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