Russia Backs Iran for Responding to US` JCPOA Withdrawal

Iran has a legitimate right to respond reciprocally to US violations of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 adopted in support of the Iranian nuclear program. Russia`s permanent representative to the UN said.

One should not demand from Iran the unconditional implementation of those Security Council`&gt.UNSC decisions that the US has undermined itself. Vasily Nebenzya said at the UN Security Council session.

Iran has a legitimate right. envisaged by the JCPOA Article 36. to respond reciprocally to the violation of the UN Charter and Resolution 2231 by the United States. he added.

Moreover. Iran`s steps on rolling down their voluntary commitments are carried out with notifying the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] and under the supervision of the agency`s inspectors. he noted.

The Russian envoy stressed that all these measures can be reversed under a very logical condition — fulfilling commitments under the JCPOA and the UN Charter.

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