Iran’s Foreign Trade Value Exceeds $60bn in 9 Months

Iranian Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance (MEAF) Farhad Dejpasand put Iran’s foreign trade value in the nine months of the current Iranian calendar year (from March 21 to Dec. 22) at more than $60 billion.

In the same period. Iran’s total imports and exports value surpassed $60 billion. he added.

He made the remarks in his visit to Bushehr Port and Customs on Thu. and added. effective steps have been taken in line with improving the conditions of ports.

He described the activity and prosperity of ports in this southern province as ‘very significant’.

Goods clearance should be taken into consideration in order to prevent deposition of goods at customs. he said. adding. with measures taken. the Islamic Republic of Iran managed to overcome US unjust sanctions imposed against the country in the past nine months in particular.

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