BP Finance Chief to Retire after 34 Years at the Company

The chief financial officer (CFO) of energy giant BP has decided to retire after a career spanning 34 years with the company.

Brian Gilvary. who served as the finance chief for more than eight years and will be stepping down at the end of June this year. will be succeeded by Murray Auchinchloss. who is currently the CFO of BP’s Upstream segment.

Mr Gilvary joined BP in 1986 and worked in a number of commercial and financial roles internationally in BP’s upstream. downstream and trading businesses. following which he headed the company’s integrated supply and trading function in 2005 and deputy CFO and head of finance in 2010.

He then became the CFO and joined the board in January 2012.

During his time as CFO. he managed some of the most complex issues to face BP. including leading the rebuilding and strengthening of the group’s finances and the resolution of complex litigation after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and managing the impacts of the oil price crash of 2014 15.

BP Chairman Helge Lund said: We will miss Brian’s financial stewardship and strategic insights. He is one of the architects of today’s BP. key to its transformation into a safer. simpler and stronger company. After a thorough selection process. the board is pleased to have chosen Murray as BP’s next CFO.

With his international financial and commercial experience and a deep understanding of the whole group. he will play an important role as BP continues to develop in a fast-changing energy market. On behalf of the board. I would like to thank Brian for all he has done for BP and look forward to welcoming Murray to the board.

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