Roads Min. Raps Europe’s Refusal of Fuel Delivery to Iranian Flights

Iranian Minister of Roads and Urban Development Mohammad Eslami lashed out at Europe’s refusal of fuel delivery to Iranian aircrafts in some European airports in recent days under the excuse of US sanctions imposed against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He called Europe’s refusal of fuel delivery to Iranian aircrafts as ‘inhume and illegal’ act.

He made the remarks on Wed. in the International Conference of Aerospace Association and added. given the US sanctions imposed on Iran since the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. the path of growth and development has always become tough and tougher.

In this way. we have witnessed the inhuman and disgraceful behaviors of western civilization in this respect. They [Europe] refuse delivering fuel to a passenger plane that has no objective but to render services to humanity and human.

Such disgraceful and disrespectful activities are symbol of western civilization who always chant slogan on the human rights and sympathize with the Iranian nation deceptively. Eslami highlighted.

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