Mousavi Condemns FATF Blacklisting of Iran as Political

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said that putting Iran in FATF’s blacklist was a political move supported by terrorist regimes.

Unfortunately. this is also part of the politicization of international mechanisms by the United States. Saudi Arabia. and the Zionist regime. Due to their influence on these mechanisms. they are trying to influence these issues politically. said Mousavi in reaction to FATF’s decision to blacklist Iran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has implemented all the laws and regulations related to money laundering and financing of terrorism for more than two years. he said. adding that International mechanisms have advantages and disadvantages. and Iran was blacklisted by the FATF despite all the efforts we have made domestically on the issue.

Saudi Arabia. as the central bank of terrorism and the Zionist regime as a terrorist state. provide the most support for terrorist groups and organizations around the world. but they blacklist Iran. which has the most cooperation and transparency. added the spokesman. highlighting that Iran can never be labeled with money laundering and financing of terrorism.

Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Friday put Iran on its blacklist after Iran allegedly failed to comply with international anti-terrorism financing norms.

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