According to OPEC`s monthly report. Iran’s oil output increased by 9.500 barrels per day (b/d) to 3.720 mb/d in December. compared to the previous month.
According to the report. Iran’s heavy oil price also increased $8.99 month-to-month to $51.41.
The average Iranian oil price in 2016 stood at $39.57 or $9.23 less than 2015. the report says.
In total. Iran’s oil output increased by 882.000 b/d in December 2016. compared to 2015 average.
OPEC oil output also decreased by 220.900 b/d to 33.085 in December month-to-month.
The Cartel has promised to decrease the level to 32.5 mb/d during 1H17 in average. based on agreement. achieved in November 30.