Design and installation of floating type photovoltaic energy generation system using FRP members

In this paper. we present the study result of design. fabrication. and installation of the floating type PV energy generation system. First of all. basic design of the floating type PV energy generation system was performed according to the design concept such as unit module structure with appropriate handling size considering safety. easy of fabrication. installation. handling. etc.The structural design is conducted by using the PFRP members to prevent corrosion of the structure. To obtain the mechanical properties of PFRP members. tensile test and shear test are conducted. These mechanical properties test data were used to determine the allowable stress of PFRP materials with safety factors suggested in AASHTO (2001). Safety check for the floating type PV energy generation system was performed by comparison with the result of the finite element analysis. It was found that the unit module structure and connection part between unit structures could resist external loads successfully with the sufficient safety. In addition. we conducted the fluid– structure interaction analysis of the floating type PV energy generation system using ADINA system which can solve the fluid–structure interaction (FSI) problems. The maximum stress obtained in the analysis is much less than the allowable stress of PFRP materials.

Key Words:

PV Power System PV Float Type. Limited element analysis. Design and installation


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