Persian Gulf Star Refinery`s Fourth Phase Commissioned

Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh. in a statement issued this week. has assigned the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company with the project to build the fourth phase of Persian Gulf Star Refinery in the southern Hormozgan Province.

The prospective phase is envisaged to produce 12 million liters of Euro-5 gasoline and diesel. ISNA reported.

PGSR. which describes itself as the Middle East`s largest refinery. is built in three phases. Each phase is designed to produce 12 ml d of high-octane gasoline and diesel. as part of efforts to wean Iran away from the fuels` import.

Reportedly. the first two phases are currently active and the third has partially gone on stream. putting the refinery`s daily output at 27.5 million liters. 

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